Halloween Costumes in a Pinch
Date: Sep 28, 2015
It’s hard to believe Halloween is only a month away. Don’t think you have time to make a really cute and creative costume? Have no fear! Marc’s has saved you some time by gathering a list of clever, easy-to-do Halloween costumes to make you the hit of any party or trick-or-treat event this year!
Holiday Favorite Roasting on an Open Fire
Date: Dec 05, 2014
Exceptionally rich in Vitamin C and B-6 and high in folic acid & a great source of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium which helps counter hypertension and lower heart rates.
Feed a family of 4-6 for less than $10!
Date: Mar 11, 2014
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by cooking up some hearty fresh cabbage meals...