Your yard has four specific seasons of growth and rest. That means landscape maintenance also has four seasons of growth and rest. If you’re new to gardening or just want to be the best yard on the block, there are easy things you can do for your garden each season to keep it healthy all year long and to keep your gardening to-do list manageable.
Technically, spring begins in March. Although over the years, there has been a noticeable shift in the seasons, with springtime weather starting in April and May.
Once the snow has cleared, you can begin your yard clean up.
- Fertilize your lawn to protect it from weeds and keep it healthy.
- Remove any dead, broken or diseased shrubs.
- Clean up any leftover leaves from last fall. Leaving damp leaves or covering them with new mulch can be a breeding ground for bugs.
- Prune or cut back any ornamental grasses or flowering plans.
- Turn over your soil, bringing new life to the surface.
- Once the last frost has passed, you can start planting your annual flowers. Take note which flowers are best for your yard, whether you have full sun or shade.
Summer is the best time to enjoy your garden. With all the hard work behind you, most of your summer work involves maintaining your beautiful landscaping.
- Continue to fertilize, water and mow your lawn.
- Weed your flower beds, as needed.
- Water your plants, shrubs and flowers 2-4 times a week, depending on how hot the summer has been. It’s a good idea to water first thing in the morning, before it gets too hot.
- Routinely check your garden for bugs and signs of disease and treat immediately.
- Prune and/or deadhead your flowers, as needed. Rose bushes in particular need to be properly maintained to promote new flowers.
They don’t call fall the harvest season for nothing. While you might think your gardening tasks are done for the year, this is the perfect time to reap what you sow, prepare for winter, and plan for the spring.
- Plant early spring and summer perennials (flowers that will grow again and again in the spring).
- Remove dead or rotting flowers and shrubs.
- Use a fall fertilizer on your lawn.
- Regularly rake leaves, taking care to make sure all leaves are removed before the snow hits. Drain and shut off outdoor water systems and store away hoses.
Once the snow starts, there won’t be much work you can do for the garden, but there are a few things to keep in mind.
- Keep off the frozen grass to avoid injury to the lawn.
- Brush off heavy snows from trees and shrub branches.
- As the weather permits, turn over the soil in garden beds, adding compost or fertilizer and get ready for spring!
With these tips, you’re sure to have the yard of your dreams! Trust Marc’s for all your gardening needs. We sell a variety of flowers (perennials and annuals), plants and hanging baskets, as well as all the supplies you’ll need to keep your garden happy and healthy all season long.